A safe trucking business is a profitable trucking business.
For any trucking operation, it is important to provide employees with materials that enhance your business’ safety culture. Not only will this keep costs down, but it will help keep employees safe.
Here are five samples of safety documents that every motor carrier should have accessible to employees.
#1 Elevated Fall Prevention
Four feet above the ground is widely understood among general industry employers as the “trigger height.” Such a height requires you to take action to protect your employees from falls. Additionally, any work above or adjacent to dangerous equipment requires action to protect employees from falls onto that equipment, regardless of height.
#2 Forklift Safety
Department of Labor statistics show that employers lose nearly 20,000 work days each year from employee injuries sustained on or around forklifts. Even more alarming is the fact that 100 lose
their lives each year in forklift-related accidents. One way to help prevent forklift accidents is to train all operators on the hazards associated with forklifts and evaluate each operator’s performance on a regular basis.
#3 Slip and Fall Prevention
Same-level falls are typically caused by hazardous conditions on walking/working surfaces, resulting in a slip or trip incident. Slips are primarily caused by a slippery surface, and they’re often compounded by wearing the wrong footwear. Trips are usually caused by an unexpected change in elevation, uneven walking surface or objects left in the normal walking path. Make sure your employees know how to prevent a slip and fall incident.
#4 Spill Response Plan
The purpose of this Plan is to help company personnel prepare for and respond quickly and safely to spill incidents originating at the bulk storage facility or within the transportation network. The Plan’s primary purpose is to ensure an effective, comprehensive response and prevent injury or damage to company employees, the public and the environment.
#5 Return to Work Program
A common goal of every organization’s safety program is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries. When an injury does occur, its ultimate cost can be controlled through injury management tools such as Return to Work programs and the use of designated or preferred medical providers.
In addition to providing insurance services, Truck Writers works with its clients in the trucking industry on risk management solutions. Learn more about Truck Writers insurance offerings by contacting an agent today.
Click here to see a sampling of Truck Writers’ recommended safety documents.